Park Updates Oct 2020

It’s about time to update all park tenants, friends and affiliates with what’s been happening in the park in the last 6 months. To do so we’ve generated a quick Q & A answering questions that people usually ask when we catch up.

What's changed in the last six months?

The last 6 months has seen a very challenging time for us all with Covid 19 hitting New Zealand. We didn’t really know how this would affect us as a New Zealand economy and a park. Fortunately, we’ve been in the right spot and with people looking slightly outside of the city for new lifestyle benefits due to the increase in digital work. We think this is partly due to our ability to offer very attractive prices given our location in Otaki and the new expressway nearing completion.

That’s meant a lot of growth in commercial for us and we’ve decided to proceed in the next stage of the park to accommodate new businesses by developing the next 15 commercial land lots.


We’re planning on having this completed by April 2021. We’re very excited about this not from only a chance for us to grow and support more businesses, but also to help grow the Kapiti area as the highway makes it more accessible.

What's coming next?  

We’re going to be offering 2 new commercial buildings and are proud to welcome two very exciting companies: a bench top factory and a home staging company moving prior to Xmas.

What do you think the opportunity is for businesses in the park?

This is a question we get a lot and we always think about. Because essentially we are trying to build the best features possible.

But the reality is that as we build out the park, we learn more and more about what types of companies we can help thrive. So far there’s really no ceiling. The lower rent prices are really helping companies of all types thrive, which we’re excited about. If we had to call out a few companies that would fit our exciting premises well - we’d say training centres, tech companies, construction fabrication, mechanical , upholstery, radiator repairs, food processing , warehousing and other commercial types.

How do you think the OC park is different from other parks/ locations? 

Again this is a great question we get a lot. We really feel there’s three things that stand out

  1. Superior commercial development for the price (due to the location advantage with the new highway and lifestyle)

  2. Sustainable features reduce carbon footprint (incl. zero hydraulic stormwater system, and a new clean green type of development with even a large wind turbine with zero emissions)

  3. We make sure we serve our tenants well and ensure they have what they need to thrive.

What kinds of businesses are attracted to the OC Park? 

We think of those who we work with as forward thinking commercial businesses who have a vision to grow and can see the OC Park as a growth park that’s well placed for the future with the new expressway interchange.  

What's the best deal in the park currently?  

It’s got to be the 7 Katea St new turn key building that’s ready to go. It includes smart sustainability features such as solar PV, supports both warm and cool conditions, has a brilliant security fence and EV power plug.

We think that this is one of our best innovations as rather than making this overly designed, we’ve built these units simple and functional to make them more ‘turnkey’ and much lower in price!


Anyway that’s our park update for the last 6 months! If you have any more questions please ask them in the comments below and thanks for reading. As always we value your support and business and can’t wait to help your business thrive more in the future!

Oh and, we can’t sign off without thanking our Gorge cafe for keeping us full with superb, healthy food in the park that we all enjoy!



The highway is coming - Big opportunities ahead!


How to set your Covid 19 business premises up to win!